Tuesday 18 August 2015

Welcome to Hastings High School English!

This blog is to help you in your English at Hastings High School. I will post homework, notes and links  to helpful websites. If you have missed a lesson due to a trip or illness, you can see here what we have done to enable you to catch up. You can look at the Blog if you are in another teacher's class - it should still have relevant information. It is aimed mostly at year 9,10 and then year 11 next academic year as the school 'grows'.

I will be posting information on
year 9
 'Private Peaceful' by Michael Morpurgo
War Poetry
Non-Fiction Reading and Writing
Macbeth - Shakespeare
year 10
'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Non-Fiction and Fiction analysis
Conflict Poetry
Unseen Poetry